The Birth Story of Zayden Ray Moore

Natasha Petersen-Moore and Austin Moore-
This was my 4th baby, first time ever going without an epidural, first home birth! It all began with a big show at 36+6 when I started going into early labor at the wee hours of 2am. Everyone on the birth team arrived. We set everything up and were ready to go. As the hours dragged on, things really fizzled out and I completely stalled out at 4cm dilated with a bulging bag of waters. The days went by and nothing was happening. On May 18th at 38+2, I was having contractions on and off most of the day but this was nothing unusual for me at this point. I went about my day and got some things done while enjoying some family time instead of getting my hopes up too high just yet. Fast forward to the evening after the hubby and I had gotten our 3 kids into bed around 9pm, I noticed contractions were amping up and I was beginning to feel a bit of light pressure with each one. I decided it was wise to go catch a bit of sleep in case things were to pick up. By 4am, I was woken up to the intense feeling of having to use the restroom, which I actually did end up passing a bowel movement. I noticed the contractions were taking up my focus by this point and decided to try a hot shower. Nope, didn’t like that. By this point it was only 4:30am and I was needing to moan through each surge. I knew in all my heart that it was officially my turn. I went and woke up the husband who quickly jumped up and made the call to the midwife as I was bent over my birthing ball moaning through an intense surge. He then began setting up the pool and birthing supplies. My midwife Patrice thankfully arrived super quick and instantly said “Oh yeah, we are definitely having a baby this morning Natasha!” By 5:30am, I was desperate to climb in the pool and so I did. It was such a nice relief, but my pain was intense at this point and I was transported to another world. I asked to be checked because I enjoy knowing how I progress I guess; I was at 7cm at this point! I began to make a strange noise I can only describe as yodeling and started to self doubt saying “I can’t do this anymore.” Patrice came over and grabbed my hand and said “You ARE doing this. And you’re doing this beautifully!” That was all the strength I needed. Maybe 45 minutes into the yodel noises, she recommended I try another position as my back was hurting very intensely. I decided on the hands and knees position, but more with my arms draped over the tub. Instantly everything intensified and I was loudly ahhhhing through the surges. I heard my husband say “That sounds much worse now”. And it was, but not even a full minute after switching positions, I was screaming “I’m pushing!” The team quickly jumped to action around me. Patrice helped me by supporting my bottom as my body naturally pushed. I wanted to be like one of those graceful mama goddesses that quietly birth their babies, but I was not one of them. I NEEDED to scream as I felt my son enter into this world. My waters then popped during a push and within 5 minutes, he was in my arms at 6:56am. 2 hours and 56 minutes start to finish! Weighing 8lbs 2oz, 19 inches long and absolutely perfect!