Full Circle Midwifery Stats
January 1, 1984 through December 31, 2021
Total planned home births: 1743
Total transports: 134 [ 7.6 % ]
Mothers transported in labor: 95
Cesareans 53 [ 3% ]
Forceps/Vacuum 9
Mothers transported within 24 hours postpartum: 23
Babies transported within 24 hours after home birth: 16
Counties: Benzie 2 Kent 14 Lake 19 Manistee 53 Mason 212 Mecosta 133 Montcalm 15 Muskegon 372 Oceana 257 Ottawa 126 Newaygo 389 Osceola 78 plus 73 births attended in Allegan, Clare, Eaton, Grand Traverse, Gratiot, Ingham, Isabella, Kalamazoo, Midland, Missaukee, Shiawassee, Wayne & Wexford.
Oldest mom 47, Youngest mom 16
First baby or first vaginal birth: 366 [ 21 % ]
Grandmultiparas (more than 7 births): 164
Twins (18 sets home born): 23 sets, 22 sets vaginally born
Presentation of baby:
Vertex (head down) 1739
Breech (11 home born) 26
Mom’s position for vaginal birth:
Side-lying 567
Semi-sitting 549
Hands and knees 301
Supine (lying down) 137
Upright (standing, squatting or birth stool) 156
Waterbirths: [39% last 6 years] 310
Lacerations with vaginal births:
None or superficial only 1186 [ 70 % ]
1st degree 415
2nd degree (into muscle) 76
3rd degree (into rectal sphincter) 1
-stitched 161
Episiotomy and stitches (8 transports; 1 HB) 9
Rupture of membranes > 24 hours (3 maternal infections): 103
Males: 931
Females: 835
Average baby’s weight (range of 3 # 12 oz. to 12# 5 oz.): 7# 15 oz.
Males circumsized: 221 [ 24 % ]
Births missed by Midwives: 76
VBACS (vaginal birth after previous csec): [ 88% successful ] 160 [19 repeat csecs ]
Screened out for home birth: 69