Meet Brenna!

My name is Brenna Kelley, I am a Muskegon county native born (at home) and raised on the lakeshore. Growing up I was taught that birth is a normal, physiological event and at the age of 14 I fell in love with midwifery as I began to discover more about my own birth story. My deep interest in midwifery never left my side throughout life’s twists and turns, and I started attending births as a doula in 2020. I am now a midwifery student attending classes through Midwives College of Utah while working alongside Patrice and Barb. When I am not involved in birth work I love spending time in nature with my fiancé or moving my body via dancing and yoga.
I am so ecstatic to be on this journey with Patrice & Barb and hope to bring more midwifery options to the lakeshore very soon!